Life under the lockdown

On 23rd March 2020 the UK was put into lockdown by Boris Johnson to protect us and the NHS from spreading the coronavirus. The virus changed our lives completely and for many months we were told to stay at home.

It’s incredible how quickly we adapted to new situation and something what seemed like a sentence turned out to be a blessing. Many of us couldn’t go to work, children couldn't;t go to school and the only option was to be together. When I talk to parents now, many admit, that they have spent more time with their children during the lockdown than ever before.

Inspired by other photographers, I decided to document the lockdown by taking socially distant photos on people’s doorstep. By doing so, I wanted to raise money for The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in Gloucester, where 15 years ago my twin daughters were born prematurely at 33 weeks.

During this journey I have met wonderful people who had similar experience with their babies and wanted to support this amazing cause. I met many families with twins, and weirdly they all were non-identical, just like my girls. This brought back so many memories of them being small.

Meet some of the twins:

8 months old twin girls Charlotte and Matilda

8 months old twin girls Charlotte and Matilda

3.5 years old Mia and Amelie

3.5 years old Mia and Amelie

12 years old twins Rosin and Nat

12 years old twins Rosin and Nat


I have also met lovely families with newborn and older babies, who were born during the lockdown and weren't able to meet their grandparents, aunties and uncles because of the lockdown. Those families could only use the photos and videos to see their loved ones.

Baby Benji, 6 weeks old on this photo.

Baby Benji, 6 weeks old on this photo.

3 months old baby Emily, who was my last newborn baby I photographed before the lockdown.

3 months old baby Emily, who was my last newborn baby I photographed before the lockdown.

Baby Finn, who’s parents I met when mum was still pregnant with him and they were my last people I photographed before the lockdown.

Baby Finn, who’s parents I met when mum was still pregnant with him and they were my last people I photographed before the lockdown.

Baby Harry was smiling away during this shoot.

Baby Harry was smiling away during this shoot.


I have met adorable children. Luckily, they don’t realise what is happening with the world around them. But I’m sure in the future, their parents will show them the photos and explain how our lives looked like during the pandemic.

2 years old Ben

2 years old Ben

Nearly 4 years old Reuben and 7 months old Lorna.

Nearly 4 years old Reuben and 7 months old Lorna.

Sisters Julia, age 7 and Jessica 2.5 years old

Sisters Julia, age 7 and Jessica 2.5 years old

2 years old Monty

2 years old Monty


I have met so many beautiful people, couples and families during this journey, it’s unbelievable. I also met one pregnant lady, called Hannah and her lovely husband Jamie. Their baby is due in August. Hopefully things will get better by then so I can meet their newborn baby.

pregnancy doorstep photo.jpg


im summary,

I visited 22 families in Cheltenham and surrounding areas. Together we raised amazing amount of £835 for Scoo-B-Doo Charity, which supports NICU in Gloucester by providing life saving drugs and equipment for tiny, premature babies and supports their families.

I started doorstep portraits on Thursday 21st May and finished on Monday 15th June so it took me almost a month, but had a few little breaks due to bad weather.

I would like to thank each one of you, who supported this amazing cause. I have enjoyed meeting you all and hope we will stay in touch.

I will definitely do a similar thing in a future as there are many fantastic charities out there.

Stay safe and look after each other,


Magda xx


Poppy fields Photo shoot


3 easy games to play with your baby during the lockdown